12 Reasons Digital Camera Professionals Miss Opportunities

The number of times in my early photography career that I missed opportunities to capture a perfect moment still frustrates me. During my early photography I spent endless hours reading SLR digital camera reviews until I was sure I found the perfect entry level digital camera. Whether it is a beach camera you are searching for or alternatively a professional digital camera, the choice is massive and when you first start out can be overwhelming. My first digitech camera was nothing special however the hours of photographic experience I gained helped me become what I am today and was a precious time I remember with great fondness. Roaming the fields and hedgerows looking for that perfect moment honed the skills I now rely on daily.

The digital camera market today is massive and has advanced and continues to advance at a staggering pace. Whether it is a digital spy camera, a digi camcorder or a digital cameras camera lens you are looking for, the digi camera deals available today makes breaking into photography possible for the masses. So what do you need to know when looking for digital camera deals?

There are a number of accessories essential in addition to a great digital camera. These are essential in ensuring that you are always ready for a photo opportunity.

1) Access to your digital camera must be quick. As a result, it is crucial you have a digital cameras camera bag that allows easy fast access to your digital camera.

2) Make certain that you have more than one fully charged battery before you set out on a photography trip. Remember also that battery life can also be affected by the temperature so make sure you know the environment in which you are going to be shooting. If it is 10 degrees below zero, make sure you have plenty of backup power sources.

3) Ensure that you clean the front and rear of your lenses to reduce spots. This should become a routine process. I have a routine where I clean the lenses at the end of a shoot and prior to going on my next shoot. I also ensure that I carry in my bag cleaning equipment as once you are in the field, anything can happen.

4) Make absolutely certain that you have enough storage capacity on your camera and its additional memory cards. The routine I follow is to remove all images to my laptop and backup after each shoot.

5) Ensure that your camera is preset to the settings you require for the subject you are going to shoot. This relies on experience to know the best settings for a given scenario.

6) If your digital camera is fitted with image stabilization technology or vibration reduction, use it correctly. If you're going to be holding your digi camera for the shoot, make certain to turn these features on. If your tripod shooting, turn them off to ensure sharper images.

7) Ensure you have fitted any filters prior to heading out on a shoot. This means you will have to know your subject. It is quicker to remove filters when on a shoot than fit them so always fit them before you begin.

8) Now this may sound amateurish but I can admit, I have on occasions left my lens cap on and missed an opportunity as a result. So please, make sure that you have taken your lens cap off!

9) Knowing your subject is crucial however, be prepared to capture other subjects. I have on many occasions been shooting one subject when an opportunity has arisen to capture another.

10) Make sure your camera is switched on in anticipation of capturing an image. If your digital camera needs protection, keep it in your bag but make sure it is turned on. The seconds it takes for the camera to boot up all add up and can be the difference between a missed image and a wonder shot.

11) Keep focused and ensure you are ready to start shooting. It is so easy to miss an imaging opportunity due to lack of focus.

12) Don't look at images on your LCD and revel in the excellence. Do a quick check to ascertain settings are correct then move on to the next shot. Experience is crucial in photography, without it you will struggle to capture professional images. The tools of your trade are an essential companion on your journey to professional excellence.

Looking for the best digital camera deals can involve hours of research yet there are sites that make choosing easier. To ensure that your images have a truly professional look, means buying a digital camera that is the highest specification for your budget. The imaging technologies are truly amazing and a joy to own.